Naše aktivity

Kindermann, M.; Neburkova, J.; Neuhoferova, E.; Majer, J.; Stejfova, M.; Benson, V.; Cigler, P. Design Rules for the Nano-Bio Interface of Nanodiamonds: Implications for siRNA Vectorization. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 2314088. Majer J, Kindermann M, Pinkas D, Chvatil D, Cigler P, Libusova L. Cellular uptake and fate of cationic polymer-coated nanodiamonds delivering siRNA: a […]


Filipi, T., Matusova, Z., Abaffy, P. et al. Cortical glia in SOD1(G93A) mice are subtly affected by ALS-like pathology. Sci Rep 13, 6538 (2023). Eldemrdash S., Thalassinos G., Alzahrani A. et al. Fluorescent HPHT nanodiamonds have disk- and rod-like shapes. Carbon 206: 268-276 (2023). S. S. Rohiwal, T. D. Nguyen, E. Kamenna, J. […]


Syding, L.A.; Kubik-Zahorodna, A.; Reguera, D.P.; Nickl, P.; Hruskova, B.; Kralikova, M.; Kopkanova, J.; Novosadova, V.; Kasparek, P.; Prochazka, J.; Rozman, J.; Turecek, R.; Sedlacek, R. Ablation of Gabra5 Influences Corticosterone Levels and Anxiety-Like Behavior in Mice. Genes 2023, 14, 285. Imran, S.J.; Vagaska, B.; Kriska, J.; Anderova, M.; Bortolozzi, M.; Gerosa, G.; Ferretti, P.; Vrzal, R. Aryl Hydrocarbon […]
